Millville Housing Authority      Holly City Family Center 
Date Agendas Minutes Resolutions   Agendas   Minutes Resolutions

January 23, 2024 - rescheded

to February 6, 2024

  pdf 01/2024 MHA Board Agenda January 2024    pdf 03/2024 MHA Board Minutes February 6 2024

  pdf 01/2024 MHA 1 24 Resolution Approving the Appointment of Kim Barfield

pdf 01/2024 MHA 2 24 Resolution Approving a Slate of Officers for 2024

pdf 01/2024 MHA 3 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for December 2023 and January 2024

pdf 01/2024 MHA 4 24 Resolution Approving a Risk Management Agreement 2024

pdf 01/2024 MHA 4 24 Attachment Risk Management Agreement

pdf 01/2024 MHA 5 24 Resolution Appointing a Fund Commissioner for 2024

pdf 01/2024 MHA 5 24 Attachment Appointing Fund Commissioner

pdf 01/2024 MHA 6 24 Resolution Approving Write Offs for FYE 9 30 23

    pdf 01/2024 HCFC Board Agenda January 2024   pdf 03/2024 HCFC Board Minutes February 6 2024

  pdf   pdf 01/2024 HCFC 1 24 Resolution Approving the Appointment of Kim Barfiled

pdf 01/2024 HCFC 2 24 Resolution Approving a Slate of Officers for 2024 pdf

pdf 01/2024 HCFC 3 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for December 2023 & January 2024

pdf 01/2024 HCFC 4 24 Resolution Approving a NJ Office of Faith Based initiatives Special Projects Grant Application FY2025

February 27, 2024  Cancelled        Cancelled    
March 26, 2024   pdf 03/2024 MHA Board Agenda March 2024   pdf 04/2024 MHA Board Minutes March 2024

  pdf 03/2024 MHA 7 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for February & March 2024

pdf 03/2024 MHA 8 24 Resolution Approving Changes to the Millville Pers Policy Manual HB Update 2024

pdf 03/2024 MHA 9 24 Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement with CCDOH

pdf 03/2024 MHA 10 24 Resolution Approving a Second Amendment T Mobile Lease Renewal 2027

pdf 03/2024 MHA 10 24 Attachment T Mobile Lease Amendment

pdf 03/2024 MHA 11 24 Resolution Approving an Agreement for Cumberland County CoOp Pricing

pdf 03/2024 MHA 12 24 Resolution Approving a Grant Applicaiotn for ESSG

    pdf 03/2024 HCFC Board Agenda March 2024   pdf 04/2024 HCFC Board Minutes March 2024

  pdf 03/2024 HCFC 5 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for February & March 2024

pdf 03/2024 HCFC 6 24 Resolution Approving a Youth Services Grant Application

pdf 03/2024 HCFC 7 24 Resolution Approving a Grant Application for Youth Violence

April 23, 2024   pdf 04/2024 MHA Board Agenda April 2024   pdf 05/2024 MHA Board Minutes April 2024

  pdf 04/2024 MHA 13 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for April 2024

pdf 04/2024 MHA 14 24 Resolution Approving a Contract for Pest Control Services 2024 2025

pdf 04/2024 MHA 15 24 Resolution Approving a Contract for Lawn Care & Snow Removal Services 2024 2025

pdf 04/2024 MHA 16 24 Resolution Approving a Contract Addendum with the Executive Director

    pdf 04/2024 HCFC Board Agenda April 2024   pdf 05/2024 HCFC Board Minutes April 2024

  pdf 04/2024 HCFC 8 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for April 2024

pdf 04/2024 HCFC 9 24 Resolution Approving a Grant Application to Ocean First

May 28, 2024   pdf 05/2024 MHA Board Agenda May 2024  

  pdf 05/2024 MHA 17 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for May 2024

pdf 05/2024 MHA 18 24 Resolution Cancelling the Bid for Lawn Care & Snow Removal Services 2024 2025

pdf 05/2024 MHA 19 24 Resolution Approving a Contract for Lawn Care Services 2024 2025

    pdf 05/2024 HCFC Board Agenda May 2024     pdf 05/2024 HCFC 10 24 Resolution Approving the Payment of Bills for May 2024
June 25, 2024  CANCELLED        CANCELLED    
July 23, 2024              
August 27, 2024              
September 24, 2024              
October 22, 2024              
November 19, 2024              
December 17, 2024